Just got back from the Energy Fair in NY. It went well. People came from all over the country to help me out. Special thanks to Josh who came all the way from Kentucky and watched my booth for 4 hours while I did the workshop. Also to Vincent who brought tools and know-how for the workshop. Also thanks to Steve who came from Canada, and Carl From LA who drove long distances to come and help. Also to Nick who flew in from Germany to film for some 15 hours, as well as his girlfriend from Canada. Also Warren was a special guest on Saturday all day and helped out on the floor and at the workshop. Several others helped out whose names I forget. The setup was time-consuming and I could not have done it without all the help of these people. It was truly a group effort.
Got there on Friday and hands were ready to help soon after arriving. Setup continued from 2 to 7PM unpacking everything from a medium-size car. No one could believe everything that came out of that car! Powerpoint presentation was not completely finished and everything was never completely setup as desired. But I think it was the most attractive booth among 40 to 60, and got much attention.
Setup continued 7AM to 10AM Saturday morning with people coming in before that time. As the day progressed more and more people came in. Then after the workshop that was late in the day we packed up everything again in my car, because I don't do business on Sunday. I preached at a local church on Sunday and visited with friends and also a few people at the Fair again.
Local friends who had initially invited me, warned me about the alternative community there being possibly hostile to these systems, and at least having a lot of questions. These friends have used our little RC-2A12-2 chargers with great success. The second one just recently purchased paid for itself in the first battery it was used on. So we did not find any opposition to the claims about the chargers at the fair. And in the end the worst experience I had was with another guy at a booth selling charge controllers and solar equipment. I told him about our ability to still have some charging taking place on our solar charger prototype with only 0.4V at night coming off the panel, he said that was not true.
At the table we had several of the chargers on the one side and a good number of motor/energizers on the other side. Two videos were constantly played off of two DVD players. Lots of paper's were posted on the back wall as well as on the table showing the processes, and charts and statements. I had the two new kits, with the little 3 pole monopole running the whole time showing the LEDs. Most people did not realize the wheel was spinning as it ran so well--and it was spinning at 3400 rpm! Also running the whole time was the model bike wheel SSG as shown in the SSG DVD video. I put the blades in the wheel and it created a fan action to cool us off a little. I showed 30 people at one time the spike that it produced on the oscope when I disconnected the charging battery. It was about 200V or more with 12V drawing around 100ma.
Vincint also brought a fan kit and had it running for a few hours. I displayed many fan kits and three other window motors. One of them was under the table that is shown on my order pages. Another was the new kit with only one coil on it. I had no time to get that setup and running. The other was the biggest window motor yet.
This last energizer has a 60 pound rotor and will have 300 circuits. I did not finish it, and never planned on bringing it anyway. We painted it out on the lawn on Friday; gold, silver, and put the Bedini logo on both sides as best we could under the circumstances. It was a learning experience for all as I had so much stuff I never could find everything I needed. Most was caught on film.
This big window motor was on the floor and ran most of the time at 12V off a small lawn and garden battery not in its sweet spot (trigger was one stove top element that was 26 or 43 Ohms, and thus pushing way too much current). Wishing to show on Friday the spike on the oscope I disconnected the charging battery from it and blew out one transistor. I was driving two SSG circuits and using 100 winds of 18 gauge wire. That was a test bed merely to get the rpm up for preliminary tests. I did not get my normal coils completed to bring with me. Which weigh 48 pound each. Nevertheless it was impressive and I wanted to show it at the Fair. People did not always see it under the table, nor did they know it was running because it was fairly smooth. I was not there for half of the day so only Josh knows what most of the people experienced.
Some of the skeptics came around asking questions. That seemed to go well. One of them I spent several hours with on Monday with my friends and who seemed to finally get how it was working to his satisfaction. The bottom line I say is that if Tesla was credible then you ought to be open to this. If people cannot believe Tesla then there is nothing I can do for them. Also, John Bedini did not just appear over the last few years with no experience. He has been around for a long time as a professional giving us the finest quality products in his field of expertise. Further, we have nothing to hide and everyone can easily see how these work and build them themselves to get a feel for it. Simple tests can be run to show the uniqueness of the systems, which thousands have done on the groups alone over the last few years, or even since 1984.
The workshop went well. I arrived a little late and unorganized. It was difficult to run the booth with everything there and then to transfer much of it during busy lunch hour and start the workshop. With the help of 6 to 10 guys we managed, sometimes sending people down to the booth to get things like tools, parts, and papers. After 20 minutes the power point began. I filmed it, but no plug was setup so eventually the battery ran out or the tape ran out. Haven't checked how much was recorded. But the other guy filmed all or most of it, and I believe that would have turned out well.
The power point presentation was crammed to get the basic ideas covered. Most of the info was from John's Radiant page and his other pages. There was a 10 year old school boy in the workshop to give perspective and relevance to the School girl circuit. He built the fan kit along with all the adults, and his friend that later came in. They thought it was "cool". Some other plain clothes friends watched the presentation until it got too technical for them. Most of them stayed though. Most people helped each other and helped distribute all the parts to each other. We cut wire together, disassembled the fans, stripped wire, removed the circuit, and soldered it all up. Most did not finish but were given the CD and DVD to help. All points necessary were covered, but we could have used more time. We stayed for an hour longer and I showed my lawn mower running from old video during our local parade two years ago. Most had left by then.
We were not there primarily to sell things but to teach and show. Judging by the response of the people and the people running the Fair, all were really glad that we came. Both of the things we have to offer these people are greatly desired. That is restoration and preservation of batteries, and free energy production. Some cautioned me against the use of that term, but I said I think it ends up drawing in more people than not using it (and turning off a few prejudiced types).
I may go back again, but will plan to go to closer Fairs when they come up if the timing is right.
Once again, thanks for everyone's patience while I slaved away the last few months getting ready for this, and especially thanks to everyone who came out to help. There were probably up to 20 people from the lists who came out and mentioned that to me.
RE: [Bedini_Monopole3] Reporting on the NY Canton Energy Fair
Thank you, thank you, thank you for taking the time to prepare and journey
to upstate New York.
I was there for the work shop. It was excellent. If you come again I will be
Your booth was fantastic.
To see all the size and model variations setting there in reality and
operating was a goose bump producing experience.
The DVDs running only served to completely put your booth's presentation of
information way beyond my expectations.
It was fabulous to hear and see you put this technology into perspective and
witness first hand your total immersion in the many issues relating to
Bedini's work.
Listening to and observing you made me very excited for the future.
Thank you for all you do. You are in my prayers daily.
Brent Selleck
Thank you Rick, for introducing me to Bedini's system, and
with demonstrating it too! It was great to see your booth
and I really enjoyed your workshop and hanging out with
you guys afterwards. It's rare to be with like-minded people
in person.
I've started reading the book I bought from you while there,
"Free Energy Generation - Circuits & Schematics". After reading
the beginning of the book I realized that I already had "Bedini's
Free Energy Generator" booklet from 1984. I'd picked it up at
some show in Colorado in the 90's, read it, added to my piles
on shelves and forgot all about it. Then I brought it with me
to the Fair this past weekend as light reading should I get
the chance. Then in the intro to the Free Energy Generator book
I learned that it was considered a "legendary monograph". Makes
me wonder what else I have on those shelves.
I just started reading the rest of the book this morning
and like how I can translate all the talk about space curvature,
virtual particles, local density of spacetime directly into
Wave Structure of Matter (WSM) model concepts and then picture
it all in a concrete way. Funny, after learning about WSM, I can
now understand better what Bearden is saying whereas before I
couldn't make heads or tails of it.
As I told you at the fair, I work on testatika and Hyde generator
(don't worry, I won't go into these further since they're
offtopic here.) After what you said in the lecture part of your
workshop and what I read so far in the book, I see correlations
with Bedini in how they work (or might work, in the case of
the Hyde generator.) The Hyde generator works with abrupt
chopping of an e-field, producing an anomolously HV spike
which is driven into a high impedence, producing up to 10 times
more power than is used to run it. That's just what is described
in what I've read so far in the Free Energy Generation book. So
the energy source is likely the same (not surprising, what else
is there at this power level), the method of tapping it is
likely the same, just the details are different.
So thank you very much for pointing me at this new angle to help make it work!
-Steven Dufresne
http://rimstar.org http://wsminfo.org
Hi Rick,
I missed getting a picture of your big motor under the bench, indeed turning away so quietly one didn't know it was running. It could well have been the star of the show, in my oppinion. I would have been the first to try to grab the shaft to see how much power was being produced. That shaft is at least 1". Did anyone get some pictures of it? You realise now, that you have to tell us more about it. It looks very promising! No fuss , no mess, Just turns one whacking great wheel silently and smoothly. We await further progress reports! I interviewed Richard Willis, and his assistant, on video to find out what it was all about. I also shot stills of his device. It may be interesting , or it may be a fraud, I am not sure, because it was not working, there at that booth, at that show. I doubt if I would have stopped at the booth, except I had been following his progress, for several years. I have no idea why he was at the fair. He had nothing to entertain anyone with. Your booth looked pretty good. You had stuff that was turning. People were stopping and asking questions. The workshop was packed! That is a venue that you might wish to refine and repeat. It is hardest the first time. In fact, somewhat brutal. Come to think of it, rather than worrying about naysayers, show them how to do it themselves. Everyone loved actually building a working motor. When you think of all those people coming from all over the world to little Canton NY, to take your workshop, you know there is a lot of positve energy in the air
Cheers Warren
I had a great time. Rick is a very compelling person, to a depth not visible from a mere email. If you get the chance to meet him in person I would highly recommend it.
All of the people I talked to were receptive to the technology. There was only one person who was closed minded to the whole idea out of what seemed like over 100 that came through while Rick was at the workshop. I believe that he would have been receptive too if he had spoken to us first instead of Richard Willis who was verbally running people who asked simple questions in circles as if to make fun of them for not understanding.
Everyone else was excited to hear and see everything that we could show them. You could see some of their imaginations lite up as you explained how the devices work, especially the younger ones. They all wanted to know which ones that I had built and did they actually work. Is this real was the theme of most of the questions. I was happy to tell them that it is so real that I drove all the way from Kentucky (about 800 miles) on my own time and money to be there just to say thank you to Rick. That is an answer all by itself. There were a few that watched the videos intently for a long time. I hope that just imagining the possibilities of it gave them more hope for the future. Everyone there seemed ready for this technology, they were taking it seriously.
To paint a mental picture of the day for you. Ricks booth was setup right next to the Natonal Powergrid company booth. I was there for most of the day Saturday and there was constantly a crowd of 15-25 people at Ricks booth. For every 50 people that stopped to talk to one of us, only 1 person would stop at the national powergrid booth. The rep at the booth was sitting there alone for most of the day while there were more people than we could talk to at Ricks booth. This I'm sure Rick will find to be a recurring theme at these fairs.
I feel honored to be a part of it all and will definitely help again in the future.
Thanks again,
Josh Gowen